A mountain unicyclist rides away from the camera down a rocky trail covered with leaves and sticks.

Tornado warning

Adrian was in town, and suggested a ride in Joaquin Miller given the wet weather around the Bay. Sunday morning was quite pleasant, but the week’s storms had left fallen limbs and other litter all over. Made for some interesting riding on the park’s ever-changing trails. A lot of slippage on wet roots, although surprisingly there wasn’t much mud.

A mountain unicyclist drops off a large stump, about 2 feet high. A man in cycling gear crouches down in front of him with a camera. In the background is a stand of tall trees, with a gap revealing a view of Berkeley's Campanile and the San Francisco Bay.

Owen’s return

Our friend Owen has moved back to the Bay, and called a MUni ride for Berkeley this weekend. We had beautiful MUni weather as our mixed-skills group climbed and descended the canyon.

A mountain unicyclist rides down a steep, rocky trail in a forest. Sun dapples the trail ahead of him through the trees.

Breaking them in

We’re still prepping for California MUni Weekend next month, so we had another ride out in Joaquin Miller. Ricardo’s still hoping to clean Chaparral on his 29er, but frankly it looks like it’ll take some trail rebuilding, because Chappy’s gotten chunkier and chunkier.

A mountain unicyclist, shirt soaked in sweat, rides down a steep rocky trail. His left arm is moving for balance, while his right tightly holds onto the unicycle's seat handle. He is concentrating intently.

Crashing the Gala

The monthly BTCEB Gala Ride was in our MUni stomping grounds, Joaquin Miller Park, so we took a crew up there to show the two-wheelers a thing or two. Great day as usual!

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