Prescott Circus showcase

Jimbo and I went to see UPLIFT! Prescott Circus’ 2018 showcase at Oakland Tech. The show was fun, with really high production quality and good energy, and a great live children’s band, the Oakland Spirit Orchestra. And their unicycle act was solid enough to perform in place of their usual walking globe. Afterwards, Jimbo and I played around a little with a basketball, which the kids were really into.

Getting on the train

We’re planning to hit the Southwest at the end of this month. I’m heading out there by train, along with Owen, and we also need to train, as in, get ready for 5 days of MUni in the desert. So Owen called a ride in Berkeley, and we got a good crew to crank all the way up to the top by the Steam Trains.

Checking out Bernal

I’m a pretty dedicated Oaklander, which means I don’t get over to the West Bay that much. But Colin and Bevan offered to host a ride in Bernal Heights Park, where I’ve never ridden, and it was a gorgeous day, so a few of us made the haul over. 

Wine Country MUni non-weekend

Upper-crust schools in California get “ski week” off in February, which meant that Chris had some time on his hands. We decided to take a mid-week break up in the wine country, trying a new trail near Calistoga (Oat Hill Mine Road), possibly its first unicycle descent. After camping at Napa Bothe, we headed over the ridge to ride our standard loop in Annadel.

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