Sedona MUni Weekend

A handful of us (think it was six if you count Corbin and Aaron) made the trek out to Sedona for the first organized MUni Weekend there. We had beautiful scenery, great MUni weather, and fun riding with a group of about 50 friends. None of our local crew could compete with Bobby Deeden from Houston […]


We haven’t been doing much road riding lately, but our friend Sam Anderson was running the Slugapalooza bike race down in Santa Cruz, and he was kind enough to let us race a uni heat. We got seven riders out there, with Corbin winning going away, of course, with Harrison second and me third. We


Chris and I snuck out for a wet ride in Joaquin Miller, with a bit of Dimond. It cleared up nicely and we had some beautiful steam coming off the meadows and trails. With Dragon and Ricardo not around, Chris had to take Best Biff for himself. At the end of Palos Colorados the creek

Helping out kids in Honduras

We were contacted last year by Christina, who works for AJC Children’s Foundation, an NGO which runs a school in San Francisco de Yojoa, Honduras. Someone gave a unicycle to the kids at the school, and several of them learned to ride and were really excited about it (as they should be!). Christina wanted someone to help her

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