MUni Weekend scouting expedition

Ricardo and I (along with Nancy and Rich hiking) went up to scout the main venue for California MUni Weekend (October 11-13, be there!). We’ve ridden at Napa Skyline Park a few times, but we still have a lot to explore. On this trip we discovered that: Buckeye is a nice, challenging climb which would […]

A visit from Anne-Sophie

Anne-Sophie graced us with her presence this week and we hit the Dimond Canyon trails. Ricardo was trying not to get re-injured, so he actually let An’So win Best Biff (chivalrous of him). On the way down, trying to hop up a curb on Mountain Boulevard, my 2005-era KH/Onza crank failed. I think it’s the

Pacifica MUni

I’m finally caught up on photos, this set from our trip to Pacifica with Chris a few weeks ago. Gnarly trails, lots of biffs into the walls, no serious injuries this time. Things were fogged in (it’s Pacific) so we didn’t get much of a view from the top. Full set of pics Stefan also


Two of us (Jimbo and Tom) represented Berkeley at the UniNationals in Pittsburgh. There were interesting and challenging courses in the road and MUni categories, and both of us did well in the Old Guys age group and the events we competed in (Tom won Old Guy MUni Uphill). Jimbo put together a basketball team

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