Joaquin Miller MUni (with video)!

I forgot to bring my camera, but Jeremy showed up unannounced and shot video of a fun ride in Joaquin Miller.  It was Jeremy’s first MUni ride in years, and Wyatt’s first MUni ride ever, so there was a bunch of excitement in the form of spectacular biffs.  Jeremy and Wyatt were battling it out […]

Joaquin Miller again

Ricardo and I went up to Joaquin Miller on Saturday, then we joined Ashley and Josh on Sunday. Gorgeous weather, three guys cleaning the top and bottom of Castle Park, Ricardo winning best biff yet again, this time falling off the side of Chaparral…it was, as usual, a good weekend of MUni. Full set of

Dimond and Joaquin Miller MUni

Taking a break from super-technical rocky terrain, a group of us went to do the Dimond/Joaquin Miller MUni experience, which is a big slog from flatland Oakland up to the top of Joaquin Miller, with some great uphill challenges on the way, and then some moderately technical stuff and switchbacks on the downhill. Kevin and

Pacifica MUni

Ricardo suggested a trip to Pacifica for some MUni, so we headed over to Montara Mountain on a gorgeous, chilly, count-the-seals-on-the-Farallons day. The big climb got us warmed up, and then we did a bit of crazy stuff on Crack, the nuttiest trail up there (or anywhere in the Bay Area, far as I know),

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