Golden Gate Park big wheels

We went over to Golden Gate Park for a little bit of exploration on 29ers, and some disc golf.  The disc golf turned out to be a bust (note to self: that course is ridiculously busy on decent weekends, get there early AM or forget about it), but the exploring was cool, found a few […]

Three uni-sport weekend

We had distance unicycling on Saturday (part of Tom’s Rob-ish Ride; come for the inaugural ride on Sunday, May 13), and then basketball (at Mosswood Park) and MUni (in Joaquin Miller) on Sunday.  I only got pictures of the last one, but that counts as a good weekend.  Now we just need to figure out

Back to Joaquin Miller

Last time we were up in Joaquin Miller it rained for four hours straight.  This time it was sunny and hot.  No matter, life’s always good in Joaquin Miller!  Riding or hiking; Ricardo’s wife and mom were along with us, and a good time was had by all.  We did a lot of playing around

Night MUni

We decided to try out a night MUni ride; I hadn’t done that since a group of us did a 24-hour race in 2003.  It was fun, a lot harder than riding during the daytime, even with good lights.  Still working on the night photography thing.

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