east bay

Friday is the new Saturday

Ray and I had Friday off, so we headed up to Joaquin Miller for a MUni ride, his second. (My MUni ride count would be an interesting exercise to contemplate.  Three digits, certainly…maybe four?). Ray was game, going for most of Cinderella, and he even lined up for the chute at the bottom before coming […]

Four sport Fourth

MUni was one of four sports on the Fourth (the other three being disc golf, board games, and beer drinking).  Beautiful day up in Joaquin Miller as usual.  Josh got the big log skinny/drop at the meadow. Full set of pics

BTCEB Wildcat Roll

A few of us crashed the Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay “Wildcat Roll” ride and picnic.  Wildcat Canyon isn’t great MUni, but we had three riders, all with Schlumpfs, so we got some speed on the easier sections.  EBRPD really needs to revise their policies on cows, though; some of the trails were

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