east bay

MUni with Dawa

Sherpa Dawa, our lead guide from the Nepal trip, is in town on vacation, and we got to take him up to Joaquin Miller for a fairly epic day (including almost all the best stuff in the park). Chris came in for the morning shift, and Ashley took his place for the afternoon. Dawa himself, […]

Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oy oy oy!

For our last ride of 2015 we had a visit from Down Under: Dave was in town from Sydney, and looking to hook up with some locals. No better thing to do than to take him up to Joaquin Miller for the tourist loop (Sequoia Bayview/Big Trees up/Chaparral/Sinawick to the overlook). Dave managed to win

Dust in the wind

On a hot day late in the season, Joaquin Miller was extremely dusty, but fun as always. We had some firsts on Chaparral, me cleaning it on 29/137, and Chris cleaning it on 24/125. We like brakes. Josh cleaned the new Upper Palos Colorados trail alignment, and immediately vowed never to do it again. Dragon

Blazing new territory

Ashley suggested that we go check out the new trail system at Crockett Hills. Jim Johnson, builder of Tamarancho, and the BTCEB have gotten permission to build singletrack trails through a park that’s mostly open grazing land (pockmarked and smelly, like most of the EBRPD grazing land), with a few nice oak groves to break

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