California MUni Weekend report

California MUni Weekend was fun; a smaller gathering than most previous years, something like 20 riders, which is fine with me.  Makes it a lot more manageable than the huge groups, and we still had a lot of different skill levels represented, from people riding with other unicyclists for the first time, all the way up to Kris Holm himself.

From the local group we had me, Ashley for a couple days, and Jimbo on Saturday, with Corbin, Aaron, Geoff, Nathan and Grace coming up from Santa Cruz, and Anya from Germany via Burlingame joining in the fun.

Three days of moderately technical riding with some disc golf and a nice swimming hole made for a great weekend.

Nathan enjoying Stevens Trail

Jimbo and Geoff on the Salmon Falls trail

Clementine Loop tunnel

Ashley hitting the water

Best shots:


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