We crashed the Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay ride out at Mount Diablo this weekend. It was perfect conditions on the mountain, green and lush with huge fields of wildflowers. Geronimo came out on his first MUni ride ever and kicked some ass while having what looked like a ton of fun. He also won unicycle bowling, but Ricardo edged him out for Best Biff trying to hit a berm on his 36″.
Looks like fun. Do you need a special uni for doing this sort of thing? I want to try and post about it on my blog http://rideaunicycle.wordpress.com.
We had three different unis; an ungeared 29, a geared 29, and a geared 36. Overall, the geared 29 was probably the best setup for this ride, but the ungeared did fine as well. The 36 did fine on the downhill but the uphills on Diablo are pretty steep, so the extra weight kind of sucked for Ricardo.