Impressing the bikes

We were invited to perform at the opening of the Marin Bicycle Museum and Mountain Bike Hall of Fame over in Fairfax. We brought a mini basketball team and messed around for 45 minutes or so, got free lunch and beer, and then headed up to Camp Tamarancho to crash the Chainless downhill race on the flow trail.

Ricardo took first among the unis at 5:08, but didn’t succeed at his goal of beating at least one bike. Doing that might take someone willing to blast it in high gear (which is Totally Doable but freakin’ scary).

Anyway, because we started late we approached Endor from the counter-clockwise direction, which turns out to be fun and shorter than the whole loop, so now we have another way to enjoy Tamarancho. And we met a new rider, Ned, who lives over there and looks like he’ll be a great addition.

At the finish of the chainless race

At the finish of the chainless race

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