Marin is doing a lot of stuff for bikes these days, and we’re along for the ride. After being the featured entertainment at the opening of the Marin Bicycling Hall of Fame, we went up to crash the Stafford Lake Bike Park grand opening.
Stafford Lake is a park way up in Novato that frankly doesn’t get a lot of usage, partly because its trails are all wide and boring, and the weekend parking fee is $10. But now Access4Bikes has worked with the county to build a great bike jump park, and for the grand opening, admission was free. So we hauled up there to see what we could do.
The dual slalom track was probably the most fun; fast and intense. Dragon won Best Biff there with extra points for spectator value. We also had fun on the intermediate jump track, and Josh really like the kiddie track for getting some air.
Stafford Lake also has an expedition disc golf course, which turned out to be quite cool, and a nice change from the intense crowds on the bike tracks.
It’s a long way to go for a playground without any decent natural trails, but it’s pretty cool for a built-in two sport day.