Exploring Skeggs

We’d heard a rumor (from Chris) that there were some good loops in El Corte de Madeira (Skeggs Point) on the Peninsula. A bit of a road trip, a shuttle down to the other side of Skyline, and we had our first sorta group MUni ride since I got back. Josh was messing around with his new GoPro, trying out the auto movie making function (early returns: meh).

Chris won Best Biff down near the end of the trail, but I don’t think we had any first blood. Overall a pretty mellow ride. The verdict on Skeggs is that there is some really fun technical stuff, and a lot of smooth singletrack. You’d rather have a 24” for the technical stuff, but there’s too much that’d be boring on a 24”. Maybe Josh’s 26×4” is ideal.

Good to be back!

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