Ashley and I had a great ride this morning on the Redwood Loop, in glorious sunshine above fog settled in the valleys. Another winter day in the Bay Area!
I’m now ready to start my MUni training ride series in preparation for Moab. I heard from Rolf Thompson that someone may be organizing the Moab MUniFest this year, but in any case, I’m looking at planning a trip there at the end of March (the weekend of March 26). That means there will be training rides every weekend until then, starting with a beginner’s ride this coming Saturday (Jan 22). If you are interested in going to Moab, or if you’re just interested in getting into MUni for the first time, I highly recommend you join us this weekend.
The goal of the ride series is to help everyone who is going to Moab to prepare for that trip, in terms of skill development as well as endurance. There’s great riding on Moab for cyclists of any skill level, and you will be glad you trained, because riding in the high semi-desert can be strenuous, even on easy trails. But it’s very accessible as long as you’re in shape; you don’t need to be Kris Holm to ride and have fun there.
I’ve put up a tentative ride schedule on our calendar. The general trend will be to start with easy rides, and gradually ratchet up the difficulty, interspersing longer rides with more technical ones. I hope you can join us!
Photos from today: