Annadel in the mud

Lots of rain during the week, but Sunday was gorgeous, setting up a great ride with mud pits added to the normal obstacles in Annadel. Josh was out on his new Nimbus Oregon, trying to figure out what the big fatty was better for (one clear winner: rock ramps). We had a total of five riders and two hikers, even after Nathan and Jason got waylaid by Pliny the Younger in downtown Santa Rosa.

Dragon won Best Biff again, but his skills are coming up quickly enough that he’s gone from having the top 5 biffs to only having a few spectacular ones on the ride. Scott, a bit more reserved, didn’t take any big biffs but did work up to trying (and cleaning) a gnarly section on Louis Trail.

The manzanita was in bloom, which means the poison oak is soon to follow. Welcome to spring in the Bay Area.

Just over one month to Moab!

Mud pit

North Burma

Josh on the dam

Rock garden on Rough Go

Dragon and Scott trying a tricky bit on Louis Trail

Full set of pics


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