Author name: tom

Mount Tam MUni

Our last training ride before Albuquerque, of course, had to be a big uphill slog.  Mount Tam was very pretty, and a whole lot hotter than usual.  Ashley and I sweated a lot and enjoyed the views.  I was stoked to clean Tenderfoot from top to bottom, including that nasty root section at the start.  […]

San Francisco Uni Tour

A number of folks participated in the 2012 Unicycle Tour of San Francisco, a 41-mile odyssey through most of the major tourist spots in SF.  Ricardo got a bunch of helmet cam photos and videos: Entire set

Couple of MUni outings

We’ve gotten onto the dirt the past two weekends; first on Tom’s Eat Real Ride (Tom’s Rob-ish Ride, ending at the Eat Real Festival in Jack London Square).  We had me, Ricardo and Kevin on uni for the full, plus Nancy and Sabrina on bike; George and Sarah joined us at the beginning before splitting

More MUni

While a bunch of people were out doing the Unicycle Tour of San Francisco (which is a fun event if you like long-distance road riding, which I don’t), Josh and I hit the trails.  We had some fun on the skinnies (I got two that I hadn’t gotten before, including the one pictured below).  Beautiful

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