Author name: tom

Trying out San Pablo Park

Last weekend we tried out San Pablo Park for uni basketball practice. It has nicer backboards than Strawberry Creek, and new lights, so we’re going to try it for our regular Tuesday pickup game on June 26.  If it works out, we may move the game here permanently.  Come join us for an intense or […]

BTCEB Wildcat Roll

A few of us crashed the Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay “Wildcat Roll” ride and picnic.  Wildcat Canyon isn’t great MUni, but we had three riders, all with Schlumpfs, so we got some speed on the easier sections.  EBRPD really needs to revise their policies on cows, though; some of the trails were

Inaugural Tom’s Rob-ish Ride

This weekend we had a rare treat, as Rob himself came to ride with us in lieu of doing the usual Sunday Rob’s Ride.  The special occasion was the inauguration of Tom’s Rob-ish Ride, a mixed road and dirt ride inspired by Rob’s long-standing tradition.  Rob brought up a crew from Santa Cruz, and we

Rob’s Ride 10th anniversary

This Sunday was the 10th anniversary of Rob’s Ride, a mixed road and dirt ride originally designed for Cokers.  They do this every Sunday, and it’s become a big thing, with 36″ wheels joined by Schlumpfs, bikes, and recumbent tandem trikes, among others.  This weekend I did it on tandem, and Ashley, Jimbo, and Ricardo