Author name: tom

Buffaloish MUni

I was recently in the Buffalo, NY area, and hooked up with a local (Buzz) for a ride in Sprague Brook Park, about half an hour south of the city.  The park was nice woodland, with fairly tight singletrack winding through the trees and up and down the gullies, with some stream crossings.  No sustained […]

Arizona MUni Weekend

Over President’s Day weekend, I’ll be headed to Phoenix for Arizona MUni Weekend, organized by Berkeley expat Chris Labonte.  This is a small event, probably something like 20 or 30 riders, in a place that’s warm and dry when it’s likely to be cold and wet here (though you wouldn’t know it today). There will

MUni training ride series

Ashley and I had a great ride this morning on the Redwood Loop, in glorious sunshine above fog settled in the valleys.  Another winter day in the Bay Area! I’m now ready to start my MUni training ride series in preparation for Moab.  I heard from Rolf Thompson that someone may be organizing the Moab

Two-sport day in Santa Cruz

Josh and I went down to Santa Cruz for a two-sport day: MUni at Dead Camper, and disc golf at De LaVeaga.  Beautiful weather and beautiful riding down there, and the disc golf was fun, too. Full set of pics Nathan also posted a nice video, which includes Josh’s undisputed Best Biff:

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