
Standing woman talking with man holding unicycle on basketball court at night

Tuesday night flat and hoops meetup

Trials and Urban national champion Sarah Smith is now organizing a flatland and street meetup before and during our weekly basketball game, Tuesdays at 7:00 PM at San Pablo Park in Berkeley. (Basketball still starts at 7:30). It makes Tuesday night an even better time to come learn to unicycle or work on some new tricks.

Hoops article

As a reminder that we still play basketball, Berkeleyside just did a nice article and video on the team, with interviews of a number of kids from the youth program. Come out and check us out, starting at 7:30 PM every Tuesday at San Pablo Park in Berkeley. 

Fifteen minutes of “fame”

We’re big in West Marin; this morning I got interviewed for the “Off-Center Sports” radio show by Steve Sarrafzadeh of KWMR (West Marin Radio). We talked about uni basketball, MUni, and other uni sports. I think they were pretty impressed, and there wasn’t a single clown or circus reference. Not sure whether they leave these

Unicon 18

Earlier this month a number of us attended UNICON 18, the unicycle world championship event in San Sebastian (Donostia), Spain. In addition to drinking lots of rioja and cider, some of us even competed in various events. We didn’t bring a basketball team, but Jimbo co-directed the basketball tournament and played on Eric Massoubre’s French

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