Tuesday night flat and hoops meetup

We’re fortunate to have Trials and Urban national champion Sarah Smith living locally, and she’s organizing a flatland and street meetup before and during our weekly basketball game, Tuesdays at 7:00 PM at San Pablo Park. (Basketball still starts at 7:30). We’ve had good turnout the first few weeks, and it makes Tuesday night an even better time to come learn to unicycle or work on some new tricks.

Flatland meetup at San Pablo Park
Flatland meetup at San Pablo Park
Flatland at San Pablo Park

Basketball’s still happening, too, and you’re welcome whether you want to watch or play.

Uni basketball at San Pablo Park
Uni basketball at San Pablo Park

Weather permitting, the event runs until the lights go out at 10:00 PM.

Come check it out!

All photos from the evening: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tholub/albums/72157720266116650

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