

Two of us (Jimbo and Tom) represented Berkeley at the UniNationals in Pittsburgh. There were interesting and challenging courses in the road and MUni categories, and both of us did well in the Old Guys age group and the events we competed in (Tom won Old Guy MUni Uphill). Jimbo put together a basketball team […]

Berkeleyans at UNICON

We’re all back from Italy now; we had a great time at this huge event (2000 riders!) and came back with a host of awards.  Among the Bay Area winners were: Berkeley Revolution, basketball, bronze medal Corbin, 10k unlimited, bronze medal Corbin, marathon unlimited, bronze medal Beau, MUni expert uphill, fifth place Beau, MUni expert

Berkeley Revolution exhibition game

The Berkeley Revolution is staging a free exhibition unicycle basketball game on Monday, July 16, at the West Campus building at 2100 Browning Street in Berkeley.  This is the last warm-up before their trip to Italy for the world championships at UNICON 16.  Come out and support the team! Facebook event for those of you

Trying out San Pablo Park

Last weekend we tried out San Pablo Park for uni basketball practice. It has nicer backboards than Strawberry Creek, and new lights, so we’re going to try it for our regular Tuesday pickup game on June 26.  If it works out, we may move the game here permanently.  Come join us for an intense or

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