
A mountain unicyclist rides on a rocky trail in the sun. The hill drops away behind him, revealing a valley and hills in the distance. He is approaching an area with many chunky rocks, shaded by oak trees.


I’ve been doing a ton of riding, but it’s been over 6 months since I’ve been out on a proper MUni ride. Adrian was in town and suggested Rockville. Don’t have to ask me twice. It was beautiful out there, and while my MUnitude was about 2/10, I managed to make the line on the back side of Upper Tilly, which was good enough, considering. Adrian was rocking everything of course.

Learn to ride at One Wheel Wednesdays

Jimbo is now running a weekly learn-to-ride series in partnership with Rich City Rides, a wonderful community organization up in Richmond. Sign up to participate in One Wheel Wednesdays up at Unity Park on the Richmond Greenway.

Wheeling at Pedalfest

We showed up in force at Pedalfest again this year, running an all-day Learn to Ride workshop (got two new riders! And more to come), and having two sessions on the stage where we demonstrated various one-wheeled contraptions.

Washed away

Josh is moving to Portland, in case you were wondering if it’s done as a place for hipsters. [Yes.] We got some time to head out on a ride before he takes off next month, and he wanted to hit the river bed in Dimond Canyon.

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