Two sporter in Napa

On a gorgeous autumn day up in Napa, we went for a two-sporter at Skyline Park. We headed up Upper Skyline Trail, which we’d only ever come down before; lots of interesting uphill challenges, with some sessioning on the rock gardens. A zip down to the top of Manzanita Trail led to big drops and […]

Death Ride

For Dia de los Muertos, Ashley brought us a collection of cowls for a Death ride in Joaquin Miller. ’twas a beautiful autumn day, and everyone was out there; a ton of hikers and dogs, and even another group of unicyclists we met up near Sequoia Arena. Great to see more folks out there! Ricardo


My MUni hadn’t made it back from MUni Weekend last week, so we went over to Camp Tamarancho, which is fun 29er territory. It’s actually fine for real MUnis too (Tristan was on a 24″), with some cool rock gardens, some trail toys, and a really fun flow trail with huge berms. The loop is

California MUni Weekend

A bunch of us went down to El Lay for California MUni Weekend, and the NorCal contingent really represented. Jamey had a bunch of $2 bill challenges on hill climbs, and I cleaned up, winning four of them, including one for going straight up Fargo Street (33% grade). Ashley was the only woman to make

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