Death Ride

For Dia de los Muertos, Ashley brought us a collection of cowls for a Death ride in Joaquin Miller. ’twas a beautiful autumn day, and everyone was out there; a ton of hikers and dogs, and even another group of unicyclists we met up near Sequoia Arena. Great to see more folks out there!

Ricardo with his new 125mm cranks edged out Dragon for Best Biff, though Dragon still took Worst Injury, landing hard on his ribs coming off the diving board on Chaparral. Faye managed Most Broken Unicycle as well as Best Cliffside Retrieval when her crank fired off her uni and down the hill. Tristan one-footed it for a while before they turned back.

Tristan one-footing Faye's uni

Dragon on Chaparral

Ricardo on Chaparral

Dragon on Chaparral


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