Last ride in

We sneaked in one more training ride for California MUni Weekend; Dragon won Best Biff yet again (with another spectacular slide and roll), landed his biggest drop ever (about 3.5 feet) and we hit the trail end while it was lit up by the last rays of sunlight. Ready for El Lay!  

Volunteer day at Prescott

A group of us pitched in at the Prescott Circus volunteer day on Friday. Jimbo and I provided some instruction on unicycle maintenance, and Dragon built juggling balls and painted stilts. In the end, Prescott wound up with 12 more working unicycles. Good luck with them, kids!

BACAFest 2014

BACAFest was fun, even though we got skunked out of playing basketball on Friday night (Alameda High, I’m looking at you: changing the rules 48 hours before the event is not cool). Corbin had probably the coolest act in the show (does a cyr wheel count as a unicycle?) and we had fun rides on

Sundays in the Park

There’s some “Sundays in the Park” concert series going on up at Joaquin Miller, so there were hundreds of cars parked near the main entrance. For us, Sundays in the park can start anywhere, so we went up top, hit Chaparral, and tried out Josh’s new brake setup on the chutes by the meadow (worked

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