Back to Rockville

Another road trip this weekend, this time up to Rockville Hills Park. Rockville Hills is so great that it’s possible to do two 5+ hour MUni rides with virtual no trail overlap. Last time we focused on Manzanita and Rock Gardens; this time it was the quarry, Cave Trail, and Cascade. We had Olof join […]

Annadel MUni

We did a road trip up to Annadel (Santa Rosa) for the first time in a while, and John came down from Sacramento to join us. It’s a long drive either way, but totally worth it, because Annadel is a great park with long, rocky, technical trails. We really beat ourselves up on the uphill

John’s Rob-ish Ride

Continuing the tradition of devising mixed road-and-dirt rides for big wheels (inspired by Rob’s Ride), John invited us up to Folsom for a birthday ride on a route he’d devised near the lake and the prison. We had a good group, 13 riders I think, with good riding weather. Four hours on the trail, followed

Bonus Berkeley MUni

Since one is never enough, Ricardo and I went out on Sunday for another afternoon of MUni, this time over in Berkeley. Great riding and a beautiful sunset. Full set of pics

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