Bonus MUni

Josh and I went up to Joaquin Miller for some bonus MUni on Friday.  Beautiful weather, with almost no one in the park.  I’ll be back tomorrow for more; see our ride schedule for details.

Arizona MUni Weekend

A little late getting to this, but in February I went down to Phoenix for Arizona MUni Weekend, and had a great time on their super-technical rocky trails.  Definitely worth a trip for anyone who likes technical MUni. I was too busy riding to take a bunch of pictures, but here are a few: Best

Wildcat/Tilden MUni

I took TD Jr. out into Wildcat and Tilden today for a fitness ride.  Every time I go to Wildcat I remember why I don’t go to Wildcat; lumpy, potholed trails with cow shit all over them.  (Including some which are closed to bikes–like a bike does more trail damage than a herd of cattle).

Castle Park

Josh today became the second person (after me) to clean the entirety of Castle Park Trail from top to bottom.  Castle Park is not as fun as Chaparral, which is why we don’t ride it very often, but the beginning and end are harder than anything on Chaparral (or anything that’s legal in Joaquin Miller).

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