Tom’s Rob-ish Ride

I finally finished test riding and mapping out the primary loop for “Tom’s Rob-ish Ride,” a mixed road and dirt ride designed for big wheels, starting at my house. (Modeled after the famous Rob’s Ride in Santa Cruz).  It’s about the same distance as Rob’s Ride (20 miles), but has more climbing and descent, so […]

Joaquin Miller MUni

We were supposed to be heading out to Dimond, but took a wrong turn and wound up in Joaquin Miller instead.  There were a ton of people out enjoying the park, mostly runners and downhill bikers.  We improvised a bit on the route, going down Big Trees and Upper Palos Colorados, up $2 Hill, then

Other recent MUni rides

Besides going to Pacifica, we’ve had rides recently in Rockville Hills and Joaquin Miller.  Rockville Hills was ostensibly with the BTCEB Gala Ride, but we got there a bit late and didn’t see anyone because we ride harder trails than they do.

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