Los Gatos big wheel ride

We went down to Los Gatos, ostensibly to see off Ryan Atkins, but Ryan’s flight got changed so we just hung out with Nathan and Grace.  We did a mixed road and dirt big wheel ride near Lexington Reservoir, with a huge on-road climb (2000′) up to one of the local peaks.  Dirt on the […]

Tamarancho MUni

Tamarancho last weekend was a lot of fun; I’d only been there once before, and I’m definitely going back.  The trails are all tight singletrack, with a ton of sharp switchbacks (probably 30-40 total on the loop), and some good technical challenges, although it’s not super-technical stuff.  More technical than China Camp, less than Skyline

Autumn in Joaquin Miller

Autumn has arrived in Joaquin Miller, with this weekend’s rain weighing down the leaves and dampening the ground.  There was still some rain while we were riding, but as usual we were protected by the trees.  It’s slippery up there, but beautiful; you can tell the ecosystem was designed to be wet. There will probably

Wet MUni

Ashley and I had a beautiful training ride in China Camp; it was as wet as I’ve seen it over there (and I even did some impromptu trail work, clearing out a clogged culvert for one of the streams), but was a ton of fun as usual. We saw a bunch of wildlife, including at

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