California MUni Weekend

We had a beautiful weekend up in the wine country, with great people, great riding, great disc golf, and a great party. Riders spanned from Michael, on his first-ever MUni ride (and his second and third), to Mike and John who were at the first CA MUni Weekend in 1996. No real injuries (though Kevin got a cut on his chin doing a superman faceplant, Best Biff for the weekend), no major mechanicals, just a lot of fun riding.

Friday (Napa Skyline Wilderness Park)

Buckeye Trail

Water feature on Lake Marie Road

Manzanita Trail

Disc golf

Saturday (Rockville Hills Park)

Upper Tilley Trail

Cascade Trail

Rock Gardens chute

Sunday (Annadel State Park)

North Burma trail

Rock Gardens trail

Rock Gardens trail

Thanks to everyone who showed up, it was a blast!

Full set of pics




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