I’m a pretty dedicated Oaklander, which means I don’t get over to the West Bay that much. But Colin and Bevan offered to host a ride in Bernal Heights Park, where I’ve never ridden, and it was a gorgeous day, so a few of us made the haul over.
Bernal Heights Park is a little island in the middle of San Francisco, which makes riding there a really interesting experience. It’s very urban, but the trails are rough and steep, with a lot of exposure. Great views everywhere, and you get to ride whatever feels right at the moment; it’s pretty much a day of sessioning.
Owen won Best Biff in the bowl, I got First Blood trying to get the whole chute on the north side, and Bevan wowed everyone by cleaning steeper stuff than anyone else was willing to try. Colin and Chris had a great double clean of one of the biggest double chutes right at the end of the day.
Pretty good stuff, for San Francisco. But I’ll keep Joaquin Miller, thanks.