Going epic

With two weeks to go until Fruita, it was time for an epic training ride. And with all the Bay Area trails wet from a week of rain, that leaves only a couple of options. One of our standards that still works in the wet is the Dimond/Joaquin Miller combo.

I always love this ride for its contrasts. You start in flatland Oakland, and just by rolling through a playground wind up in a forested canyon. It’s not exactly a wilderness, but it’s really impressively secluded for such an urban ride. You do the climb through Dimond, cross the creek twice (running well, but not too high this weekend), then get a whole bunch more climbing getting up to Skyline, with a nice view of Oakland’s downtown and the Bay along the way.

I won Best Biff on a drop-in to middle Palos Colorados (two full rolls in the mud!), we did some trail maintenance to clear up a blockage at the stone bridge (note to Stan: Someone with some tools should do a real job on it), we got briefly hailed on, and we were appropriately exhausted by the bottom. A great training day!

Those of you who haven’t seen it should check out Trailhead, the documentary which is more or less about this ride.

Bevan in the chute

Rain cloud at the overlook

Bevan and Colin at the overlook


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