Why not more MUni?

Another amazing day at Rockville Hills.  They’ve cleared out some of the manzanita, which made a couple of trail spots a little easier, although it’s still freakin’ difficult riding.  We hit the Cave Trail for the first time in a while, had some fun on the stairs.
Stephen on Manzanita Trail

Nick on Rock Gardens (looking like Lance Armstrong)

Vidar on Rock Gardens

Full photo set

This coming weekend, there are two possibilities for rides; on Saturday, meet at my place at 9:30 for carpooling to Mount Tam (assuming no rain–if it rains, we’ll do China Camp instead) for a big training ride.  Sunday at 10:00, there’s an IMBA ride in Dimond Canyon/Joaquin Miller which might be fun to crash; they list it for “intermediate cyclists”, so you’d better be ready to keep up with a group of bikes.

And that’ll be it for Moab training.  Thanks to everyone who’s joined us on the training rides, it’s been a ton of fun, but not as fun as Moab will be!

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