Author name: tom

Jimbo's Rob's Ride

Jimbo’s about to head out to refresh his red, yellow and green wardrobe for the next few months, so we took a trip down to Santa Cruz for a Halloween’s version of Rob’s Ride.  We wound up with 16 riders on various cycles (I rode Cyclops), and had a beautiful day down there.  We’re counting […]

Joaquin Miller MUni, 8/27/11

We had a gorgeous ride in Joaquin Miller, with the sun breaking through the mist right when we got to the top of Big Trees Trail.  I won Best Biff for the first time in a while, getting too far to the right at the bottom of Cinderella and falling sideways with momentum.  Beautiful day

Napa Skyline MUni

It was another weekend for exploring, this time at Skyline Park in Napa, which turned out to be surprisingly good.  It’s way more wooded than you’d expect a park in Napa to be, and while the uphills are no fun, the downhills are great.  We did one that had incredibly tight, steep switchbacks requiring enormous

Independence Day MUni

A group of us went to celebrate Independence Day (and a couple of looming birthdays) with a MUni ride in Berkeley.  We hit the steam trains first, which was fun; I haven’t been there in years.  Great ride; I tried a drop and a chute I’d never worked up the nerve to do before (I

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