
Helping out kids in Honduras

We were contacted last year by Christina, who works for AJC Children’s Foundation, an NGO which runs a school in San Francisco de Yojoa, Honduras. Someone gave a unicycle to the kids at the school, and several of them learned to ride and were really excited about it (as they should be!). Christina wanted someone to help her […]

Modified Tom’s Rob-ish

K wanted a chance to try out a geared uni, which inspired us to go for Tom’s Rob-ish Ride. We hadn’t ridden it as a group in some time, although I often use it to crank out a quickie, so to speak. The roads were dry but the trails were muddy after the week’s rains. We

BACAFest 2014

BACAFest was fun, even though we got skunked out of playing basketball on Friday night (Alameda High, I’m looking at you: changing the rules 48 hours before the event is not cool). Corbin had probably the coolest act in the show (does a cyr wheel count as a unicycle?) and we had fun rides on

UNICON recap

A little tardy, here’s a recap of some of the fun the locals had at UNICON 17 in Montreal: Our two local world championships were Adam’s wins in the 3-point and free throw shooting contests. The Berkeley Revolution was third after the first round of the tournament, but lost in the second round, finishing fifth

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