
Rob’s Ride 10th anniversary

This Sunday was the 10th anniversary of Rob’s Ride, a mixed road and dirt ride originally designed for Cokers.  They do this every Sunday, and it’s become a big thing, with 36″ wheels joined by Schlumpfs, bikes, and recumbent tandem trikes, among others.  This weekend I did it on tandem, and Ashley, Jimbo, and Ricardo […]

Wildcat/Tilden MUni

I took TD Jr. out into Wildcat and Tilden today for a fitness ride.  Every time I go to Wildcat I remember why I don’t go to Wildcat; lumpy, potholed trails with cow shit all over them.  (Including some which are closed to bikes–like a bike does more trail damage than a herd of cattle).

Tom’s Rob-ish Ride

I finally finished test riding and mapping out the primary loop for “Tom’s Rob-ish Ride,” a mixed road and dirt ride designed for big wheels, starting at my house. (Modeled after the famous Rob’s Ride in Santa Cruz).  It’s about the same distance as Rob’s Ride (20 miles), but has more climbing and descent, so

Jimbo's Rob's Ride

Jimbo’s about to head out to refresh his red, yellow and green wardrobe for the next few months, so we took a trip down to Santa Cruz for a Halloween’s version of Rob’s Ride.  We wound up with 16 riders on various cycles (I rode Cyclops), and had a beautiful day down there.  We’re counting

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