Blue Monday

Chris and I had Monday off (Chris because it’s summer, me because consulting works that way), and were looking for a workout, so we headed out for an early morning ride on Diablo. We didn’t do the massive epic approach from Stone Mountain, instead choosing to park just below the Buckeye Trail singletrack. Even so, […]

Doubling it up in Napa

We had a warm but not ridiculously hot day for a two-sporter up at Napa Skyline. There was a beautiful light cloud cover and breeze which took the edge off what would have been a really hot day for MUni. Unlike last time, nobody broke their unicycle, and we had a great time on the Upper Skyline rock gardens and the Manzanita Trail, which we haven’t been back to since the 2016 Tubbs Fire.

East Bay JAM

We had a great time at the East Bay JAM. The weather was perfect for MUni, and we wound up doing two rides. In the morning we did a family ride with five riders, including a 9-year-old girl and her dad from Hawaii, and an afternoon ride with eight riders. Plus a bunch of people tried to learn to ride in the meadow. Fun times!

Pop in from G

G was in town, and we had a couple of hours to hit the trails, which are way more fun here than in Durham, North Carolina. We didn’t have time for much, but played around a little bit with some different loops, especially the downhill on the north fork of Big Trees.

Anyone who’s in town, hit us up; any excuse for a ride!

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