China Camp on the Lunar New Year

I hadn’t planned it this way, but we were scheduled to ride in China Camp on the day of the Lunar New Year. It provided a good reminder that China Camp isn’t just a name; the place itself is one result of America’s long history of racial segregation and exclusion. We should not forget. We had […]

Caution to the wind

One of my principles in organizing rides is to never cancel the ride based on a weather forecast. (For that matter, I won’t cancel the ride when the weather is actually bad, but that’s another thing). It turned out that this Sunday we hit a gap in the storm and had a ride in gorgeous

It’s a start

We got our training series going with a reasonably mellow ride up in Joaquin Miller. No major biffing (Best Biff was a toss-up between Harrison’s awkard step in the stream, and George’s mount failure pedal smack). Everything was pretty damp up there, and I even did a bit of trail work (armoring a pothole in

MUni with Ben

Ben Soja, one of the top MUni downhillers in the world, was visiting Santa Cruz for a conference, so Corbin called a ride. We wound up with a great crew, a dozen riders on a chilly but beautiful day. The ground was super-soft, but unfortunately for Ricardo and Chris, the wood wasn’t. Ricardo won Best

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