Celebrating the end of the drought

The California snowpack is at a 22-year high, the reservoirs are full, and we got to celebrate with a beautifully wet and muddy MUni ride. Newcomer Campbell got his first taste of redwood MUni; much different than the trails in Georgia. Ray also got a taste of MUni when he won Best Biff with a […]

China Camp on the Lunar New Year

I hadn’t planned it this way, but we were scheduled to ride in China Camp on the day of the Lunar New Year. It provided a good reminder that China Camp isn’t just a name; the place itself is one result of America’s long history of racial segregation and exclusion. We should not forget. We had

Caution to the wind

One of my principles in organizing rides is to never cancel the ride based on a weather forecast. (For that matter, I won’t cancel the ride when the weather is actually bad, but that’s another thing). It turned out that this Sunday we hit a gap in the storm and had a ride in gorgeous

It’s a start

We got our training series going with a reasonably mellow ride up in Joaquin Miller. No major biffing (Best Biff was a toss-up between Harrison’s awkard step in the stream, and George’s mount failure pedal smack). Everything was pretty damp up there, and I even did a bit of trail work (armoring a pothole in

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