It’s a start

We got our training series going with a reasonably mellow ride up in Joaquin Miller. No major biffing (Best Biff was a toss-up between Harrison’s awkard step in the stream, and George’s mount failure pedal smack). Everything was pretty damp up there, and I even did a bit of trail work (armoring a pothole in […]

MUni with Ben

Ben Soja, one of the top MUni downhillers in the world, was visiting Santa Cruz for a conference, so Corbin called a ride. We wound up with a great crew, a dozen riders on a chilly but beautiful day. The ground was super-soft, but unfortunately for Ricardo and Chris, the wood wasn’t. Ricardo won Best

Bringing Josh to Endor

Shockingly, Josh had never been to Tamarancho with us. We finally rectified that oversight in early November. All three of us on the ride (Harrison being the other) were out of shape, and Tamarancho is a long ride if you’re out of shape, but it’s great riding, and there’s not anything quite like Endor (the

First-ever uni ride to Treasure Island

I can’t verify it, but I think it’s safe to assume that no one had ever ridden a unicycle to Treasure Island. The old Bay Bridge had no bike path, and while some intrepid cyclists had ridden there on the road, I’m pretty sure they all had at least two wheels. The new East Span has

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