Mountain unicyclist cresting a small bump in a dirt pump track

Family MUni in Joaquin Miller

I’ll take any excuse to ride MUni. Last week it was an easy ride on the Oakland Pump Track and the Big Trees loop in Joaquin Miller, with Kostya, Campbell, Ricardo and me on uni, Vicente, Jeronimo, and Nikolay on bike, and Maria on foot. A good time was had by all.

Standing woman talking with man holding unicycle on basketball court at night

Tuesday night flat and hoops meetup

Trials and Urban national champion Sarah Smith is now organizing a flatland and street meetup before and during our weekly basketball game, Tuesdays at 7:00 PM at San Pablo Park in Berkeley. (Basketball still starts at 7:30). It makes Tuesday night an even better time to come learn to unicycle or work on some new tricks.

Thankful for dirt

On Thanksgiving I was grateful to be back on the trails with Campbell, one of my rescuers from back in July. My first real MUni ride since then, and I was glad to feel physically pretty good, and my MUnitude rose from zero to…non-zero.

Hope you all had a good holiday.

Learn to ride at One Wheel Wednesdays

Jimbo is now running a weekly learn-to-ride series in partnership with Rich City Rides, a wonderful community organization up in Richmond. Sign up to participate in One Wheel Wednesdays up at Unity Park on the Richmond Greenway.

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