Arizona MUni weekend

Several of us went down to Phoenix for Arizona MUni Weekend, hosted by Berkeley expat Chris Labonte. On Friday night we kicked butt at basketball, winning handily in a game of 4-on-9, California vs. Arizona. Then we had three days of really serious MUni, with lots of drops, rocks, and landing zones filled with cactus. […]

Three sport weekend

We had a fun three sport weekend, with MUni rides on Saturday and Sunday sandwiching a Berkeley Revolution performance at the Cal Science and Engineering Festival (great crowd!) I’m nailing down the weekend of March 25th-27th for our trip to Moab; we’ll be renting one or more condos to share, and there are super-cheap camping

Skeggs Point MUni

We had a nice-sized ride, 8 riders plus Grace walking along, as we explored Skeggs Point, where none of us had ridden since 2001.  MUni has changed a lot since then.  The park is great for a workout (with a finishing climb that rivals Soquel Demo Forest’s beginning climb), but if I go back it’ll

Beau's Rob's Ride

I was down in the South Bay this weekend, where a group of us (some still using the training wheel) started out on Rob’s Ride and then embellished it by throwing in Sick and Twisted, the climb on the UCONN trail, and then picked our way down through the UCSC campus on social trails.  The

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