Kinetic Grand Championship day 2

Day 2 starts with a water entry, which was a bit glorious.  The plan was to ride down the ramp holding the kayak on my head, which I’ve managed to do before, but this day there were strong winds.  My first attempt I had the kayak balanced wrong and came off immediately; my second attempt […]

Moab, Day 3, Porcupine Rim

On day 3 we went for the classic Porcupine Rim ride; shuttle up to 7500′, ride 14 or so miles down to the river at 4000′.  The remnants of a weather system were still around; when we got out of the vans we had a decent snowstorm going.  We split into two groups, one of

Moab, Day 2

Day 2 we headed to the Brand trail system, out by the Bar M Chuckwagon that some of you may remember from the early days of the Moab MUniFest.  No one had ridden the trails before on uni, so we got to do some exploring.  There was some fun stuff, especially on Killer B; I

Moab, Day 1

We’re back from Moab, where we had spectacular riding with a really fun group.  Seventeen riders in all.  The Berkeley contingent did great, with Ashley and Vidar both visibly improving their riding over the course of the weekend, and Stephen announced his entry into the ranks of elite MUni riders, going big on the technical

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