Kinetic Grand Championship wrap-up

Here’s some more glory for Cyclops and The Other Wheels: The Golden Flipper trophy: April’s photos: Tina Kerrigan’s photos SFGate’s Kinetic photo album (Cyclops is photo 38) Nick’s Facebook album (some in 3D) Kinetic Universe’s Facebook album   Just to wrap up, here are the previous posts about Cyclops at the Kinetic Grand Championship.  A […]

Kinetic Grand Championship day 3

Day 3 starts with another water entry, this time directly off the beach and across the mouth of the Eel River.  It’s actually one of my favorite parts of the race; I saw several harbor seals out in the water, and on the other end you get to pilot up a narrow slough to the

Kinetic Grand Championship day 2

Day 2 starts with a water entry, which was a bit glorious.  The plan was to ride down the ramp holding the kayak on my head, which I’ve managed to do before, but this day there were strong winds.  My first attempt I had the kayak balanced wrong and came off immediately; my second attempt

Moab, Day 3, Porcupine Rim

On day 3 we went for the classic Porcupine Rim ride; shuttle up to 7500′, ride 14 or so miles down to the river at 4000′.  The remnants of a weather system were still around; when we got out of the vans we had a decent snowstorm going.  We split into two groups, one of

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