bay area

Caution to the wind

One of my principles in organizing rides is to never cancel the ride based on a weather forecast. (For that matter, I won’t cancel the ride when the weather is actually bad, but that’s another thing). It turned out that this Sunday we hit a gap in the storm and had a ride in gorgeous […]

Ready or not

The end of our training series has arrived; one last trip to Tamarancho, one last climb up Iron Springs, one last blast through the Boneyard, and one last race down Endor. Followed, unfortunately, by one more climb back over the last ridge, which is easy to forget to remember until you have to do it.

Going to the mountain

Phew. Diablo’s always a strenuous workout, but doing it on dirt makes it truly epic. We found a couple nice new trails which meant we could do a loop that started and finished without long road segments. Plus they added three or four bonus climbs! Along with the Summit Trail, which is a serious slog


Our Nepal training took us down to Santa Cruz for an an overnighter this weekend. We rode Soquel Demo Forest on Saturday and Michelle’s Rob’s Ride on Sunday. Demo Forest was pretty amazing; we had seven riders there who are going to be in Nepal (me, Chris, Ashley, Nathan, Michelle, Stefan, and Corbin). That’s 25%

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