china camp

Choose Your Own Adventure MUni at China Camp

Dragon, Chris and I went over to China Camp for what’s usually mostly a fitness ride. But we went all the way up to the missile platforms, where Dragon won Best Biff (he’d already won First Blood) but also nailed a really gnarly chute (with spectators!) Then for various reasons we all wound up taking different routes down.

Even bigger!

We headed over to China Camp for a longer ride, and wound up with an even bigger group than last week; 10 unicycles (ranging from 24″ to geared 36″) and two bikes. Everything’s still dry and powdery, unlike our last visit which included major temporary stream crossings. This was notably the first time that the

Underwater at China Camp

Never cancel a ride based on a weather forecast. It rained hard in the morning, but by the time we got over to China Camp the sun was out and we had a great time splashing through the trails (and doing a bit of trail maintenance to clear clogged drains). I won Best Biff twice,

Wet day in China Camp

Our final Moab training ride was redirected to China Camp from Mount Tam due to the threat of rain.  The threat turned out to be empty, but we had a great day riding in China Camp, with almost no one else in the park.  Never believe the weather forecast. While it didn’t rain, it was

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