
The latest newbie

We got to ride with Sarah this weekend, a newcomer to the Bay Area and a relative newcomer to MUni, although she’s a former national champion at urban (flatland) riding. We took her on one of our standard loops, hitting Big Trees, Chaparral, and heading down to the overlook, because, Oakland, baby. We also did some scouting for locations for the East Bay JAM, and found a great place for flatland and learn-to-uni lessons. June 16, see you there!

All in the family

The latest in our Family MUni series featured our first father/son combo. Scott and Matthew came over from Mill Valley, and Scott’s wife Tracy hiked along with Nancy. Scott won Best Biff on one of the chutes, Matthew did a line on the way back that he wasn’t willing to do on the way out, we got to see the Oakland DEVO middle school mountain biking team, and everyone had fun, which is of course the whole point.

I’ll continue to try to do one of these rides monthly, to give newer and less gnarly riders a chance to try things out.

Prescott Circus showcase

Jimbo and I went to see UPLIFT! Prescott Circus’ 2018 showcase at Oakland Tech. The show was fun, with really high production quality and good energy, and a great live children’s band, the Oakland Spirit Orchestra. And their unicycle act was solid enough to perform in place of their usual walking globe. Afterwards, Jimbo and I played around a little with a basketball, which the kids were really into.

Family MUni #2

The second installment of our Family MUni series was a lot of fun. We got great MUni weather, and ran into probably 70 or 80 kids from the high school teams.

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