Winter MUni

Another winter day in the Bay Area. Ricardo and I did one of the most epic MUni rides done in Oakland, starting down at Dimond Park, riding all the way up (with a lot of uphill challenges), doing some extra loops to try chutes at the meadow (extremely slippery because of leaf litter, lots of fun slideouts), and then challenging each other to get down the trails with as few dismounts as possible. (Six for me, seven for Ricardo to the bottom).

We’d been tied for Best Biff, but Ricardo took the title on the stairs in Dimond Canyon. I hate stairs.

Dimond/Joaquin Miller loop

Dimond/Joaquin Miller loop

Full set of pics

2 thoughts on “Winter MUni”

  1. Pingback: Dimond Park y Joaquin Miller ida y vuelta | Monodiario

  2. Pingback: Dimond Park y Joaquin Miller ida y vuelta | From the Commodore 64 until today

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