Family MUni #2

The second installment of our Family MUni series was a lot of fun. We got great MUni weather, and ran into huge numbers of riders from the Berkeley High Mountain Bike Team, the Oakland DEVO mountain bike club, and the Oakland Composite team. Probably 70 or 80 kids riding bikes in the park, about half of them girls; the dynamics of East Bay trails are changing quickly. It’s a lot harder to say no to a room full of 12-year-old girls (and their parents).

Our group did a solid loop with a lot of sessioning. Ethan was on his first-ever MUni ride, and did great with Jack showing him how to hit the drops. Tristan was also in the park, but he showed up late and we never managed to connect with him.

Jack won Best Biff and First Blood, both relatively minor, while trying to drop into the rock garden on Cinderella.

I’ll keep trying to run one of these every month or so if there continues to be interest.


Jack trying the Ricardo Wall

Ethan on the bonus trail

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