Napa Skyline two-sporter

Napa Skyline Wilderness Park recently re-opened after sustaining fire damage this autumn, so we had to head up for a two-sport day. It was beautiful up there, and there were a ton of people in the park. We climbed Buckeye, which was a bit muddy, and then had a bunch of fun on Upper Skyline, a trial Josh re-christened The Chiropractor because the rock gardens keep jerking your back around.

Josh’s unicycle won Best Biff; in the lower rock garden, his Nimbus frame finally gave in to years of abuse, and he had to walk it out. So we didn’t get over to Manzanita. We did get out to the disc golf course, which is about half open (the creek area still has a lot of dead/downed trees). It was beautiful up there, green, and the ground was softer than usual, but not soft enough to stop the Napa Roll. I won the round because my one Napa Roll wasn’t as bad as Josh’s two.

Great to see the place doing so well.

Upper Skyline Trail

Josh's broken uni

Disc golf at Napa Skyline

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